

Good Forestry is available at


After over two years and many hours of discussion, writing and revision by hundreds of landowners, foresters, loggers, conservation activists and average citizens, the second edition of Good Forestry in the Granite State - Recommended Voluntary Forest Management Practices for New Hampshire is ready.


Originally published in 1997, the revision of Good Forestry incorporates advances in knowledge and changes in forestry markets, practices and state laws. A 24-member steering committee, representing conservation organizations, state agencies and the forest industry led the revision.


The guide gives landowners, and the professionals who work with them, practical recommendations to care for their woodlots.


Good Forestry is a 225-page guide, in a three-ring binder format and each copy comes with a cd.

An on-line version is available free at . A copy of the book can be ordered on-line at  Directions for ordering through the mail are there as well, or you can call 800-444-8978.


Thank you to all who participated in this project.


Steering Committee and Technical Teams

Meet the Steering Committee for the Good Forestry project here

Read the minutes from Steering Committee meeting here.

Meet the Technical Team members here.


The first edition is available as a pdf  here (large file format).


Project Funding


Funding for the Good Forestry in the Granite State Project was provided by the Northeast Utilities Foundation.